Hospice General Inpatient Care

We offer exceptional care and support to patients requiring intensive medical attention. With a compassionate approach, we create a supportive environment that addresses their unique needs, providing personalized attention and comprehensive care. Our top priority is ensuring comfort and improving their quality of life during difficult periods through general inpatient hospice care.

Specialized Treatment

What is General Inpatient Hospice Care?

General Inpatient Hospice Care is a specialized level of support provided to terminally ill patients in their homes. It offers round-the-clock monitoring and interventions for those experiencing severe symptoms that cannot be managed through routine home hospice care. At Ennoble Care, we ensure patients receive expert medical attention, compassionate support, and enhanced comfort in the familiar surroundings of their own homes during the final stages of their journey.

Navigating the Path to Healing

Our Hospice General Inpatient Care Process

Our general inpatient hospice care four-step process ensures patients’ comfort, dignity, and quality of life through an integrated approach. We aim to alleviate pain, enhance emotional well-being, and create a peaceful environment for the highest level of care and support.

Assessment of Patient Needs

We assess patients’ needs comprehensively, considering physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Information on medical history, symptoms, preferences, and goals is gathered to create personalized care plans tailored to each individual’s unique requirements and priorities.

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Development of Personalized Care Plans

We create personalized care plans in collaboration with patients and their families, addressing their specific needs, preferences, and goals. These plans serve as roadmaps, guiding the provision of specialized medical attention and support throughout their general inpatient hospice care journey.

Round-the-Clock Monitoring and Symptom Management

Our skilled healthcare professionals provide round-the-clock monitoring and symptom management, ensuring constant oversight and timely intervention. Vital signs are closely monitored, medications administered, and various techniques used to alleviate distressing symptoms, enhancing the overall well-being and comfort of patients in general inpatient hospice care.

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Ongoing Emotional and Spiritual Support

Our trained professionals provide care and guidance that address the psychological, emotional, and spiritual needs of patients and their families, offering comfort, counseling, and resources to navigate the challenging aspects of general inpatient hospice care.

Common Inpatient Care Questions

General Inpatient Care FAQs

Explore commonly asked questions about general inpatient care and find informative answers to help you obtain the information you need to make informed decisions about your loved one’s healthcare journey.

What distinguishes general inpatient care hospice from other levels of care?

General inpatient care provides intensive medical support and symptom management for patients with complex needs that cannot be adequately addressed in other care settings.

How are family members involved in general inpatient care hospice?

Family members are encouraged to actively participate in care planning, decision-making, and emotional support, ensuring a collaborative approach to the patient’s well-being and comfort.

How long does general inpatient hospice care typically last?

The duration of general inpatient hospice care varies depending on the patient’s condition and needs. It can range from a few days to several weeks, focusing on providing comfort and enhancing the quality of life during the end-of-life journey.

Is general inpatient hospice care covered by insurance?

General inpatient hospice care is typically covered by insurance, including Medicare and Medicaid. It’s recommended to review the specific coverage details with the insurance provider to understand any potential out-of-pocket costs.

Can patients receive specialized therapies during general inpatient care?

Yes, depending on the patient’s needs, specialized therapies such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, or pain management interventions can be incorporated into the care plan to promote optimal recovery and well-being.

doctor explaining the benefits of hospice general inpatient care
Enhanced Comfort and Support

The Benefits of Hospice General Inpatient Care

  • Intensive symptom management
  • 24/7 medical supervision
  • Specialized hospice facilities
  • Comforting and supportive environment
  • Respite for family caregivers
  • Enhanced care coordination
  • Facilitates difficult transitions.
in-home primary care providers smiling
Expert Care with Compassion

Our General Inpatient Hospice Providers

Our General Inpatient Hospice Providers are a dedicated team of healthcare professionals who specialize in delivering exceptional care to patients in need of intensive medical support. With extensive expertise in general inpatient hospice care, our providers possess the knowledge and skills necessary to address complex medical conditions and provide symptom management in a holistic manner. They work collaboratively with patients and their families, tailoring personalized care plans to meet individual needs and goals.

Hear From Our Patients

General Inpatient Hospice Care Reviews

Here is what some of our patients and their families have to say about their experiences with Ennoble Care. We are honored to have been part of their journey and remain committed to providing the highest quality of care and support to all those in need.

graphic of senior mother and grown daughter

“I just want to publicly say thank you to the employees at Ennoble Care (South Jersey). My mother was placed in hospice January 2021 with the doctors telling me that she would only last one-two months. Well, when you have caring people who love what they do, seniors are able to hold on just a little longer and in my mom’s case…21 months longer. I do not know what I would have done without my aides Jessica and Tiffany, nurse Amy and social worker Charlene. They often commented how well I took care of mom but in reality it takes a village, and I was so Blessed to have Ennoble Care as part of my village.”

“The staff at Ennoble Care went above and beyond in caring for my husband. Tony, the executive director, Jackie the appointed social worker, and the dedicated nurses Amy, Pam, Anastasia, and Felicia went above and beyond in keeping David comfortable while caring for his needs. The home health aides, Betsy, Donna, and Shala were extremely supportive of both of us during this heartbreaking situation.”

“I am truly grateful to everyone at Ennoble Care. They were there for me in my time of need, and they will continue to support me during the year as I grieve the loss of my husband. I am truly grateful for the services that the Ennoble Care team provided. My family and I highly recommend this extraordinary company and will recommend them to all who are in need of hospice care.”

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Communities We Serve

Ennoble Care is committed to providing outstanding, convenient, and easily accessible healthcare services tailored to meet the specific needs of patients. Our proficient team of healthcare professionals delivers compassionate in-home care across the Eastern United States, guaranteeing that patients receive the care and attention they deserve.

Verify if we extend our services to your community by checking here today!

Hospice care qualifications

General Inpatient Hospice Criteria

To qualify for hospice general inpatient care, patients must meet specified medical guidelines and have a limited life expectancy. These guidelines include complex medical conditions requiring intensive symptom management, pain control, or specialized interventions not suitable for other care settings. Healthcare professionals assess these criteria in collaboration with the patient’s primary care physician or hospice team to determine appropriateness based on their unique needs and circumstances.

graphic of senior patient receiving routine hospice homecare
Contact Us Today

Get Started with General Inpatient Hospice Services

At Ennoble Care, our knowledgeable staff will guide you through the necessary steps, including assessing eligibility, coordinating with healthcare providers, and developing a personalized care plan. We understand the challenges you may be facing and are here to provide the support and comfort you need.

Contact us to get started with our general inpatient hospice care today.

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